Saturday 4 February 2012

Less is More.

 I'm a member of  Nantwich camera club, so thought I would post some of the photographs that I have entered into the club competitions. The first three are entries submitted last October, they did not do as well as I had hoped, the judge was not  impressed at all, so he gave them low marks.  I have to agree, they were no where near as good as I could have submitted.  Photography club judges tend to have their own particular likes and dislikes.  It can sometimes be difficult to make light of  their comments, photography like art is very subjective, it would not do for us all to like the same things.  Having looked at the photographs again  I can now see the weaknesses in them.  I had made the assumption that as they were colourful, they would make a good photo.   With the benefit of hindsight this is seldom true and that, a simple, minimalist image is very often much stronger.

The next two photographs are included as an example of what I mean, less is more.  Both have done well in  previous years club competitions, if only I could come up with images like these more often!!

Blizzard in Kadriorg park.

A winters morning in Shropshire.

The next two photographs were entered in the club competition last November.  I took a lot more care this time and chose better pictures which paid off, as both prints got second place, I seem to have a lot more success with monochrome.

Awaiting First Aid.

Groynes at Cromer.
Our club have an exhibition of members work at the Nantwich museum every year, each member can enter 4 prints.  I have on display two of the above, "Awaiting first aid" and " A winters morning in Shropshire" plus the photographs below of my two dogs.



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