Friday 16 November 2012

Exercise 5: Variety with a low sun.

The folly at the top of Mow Cop.
"This is an exercise to demonstrate some of the advantages of shooting when the sun is low.  Produce four photographs of a subject that must be lit by full sun showing each of the following:-

  • Frontal lighting, the sun behind the camera.
  • Side lighting, with the sun to the left or right.
  • Back lighting, shooting towards the sun.
  • Edge lighting, shooting towards the sun, in which the sun is outside the viewfinder frame".
I had problems similar to the last exercise, early morning mist, this can be seen from the picture above.  After about an hour the mist cleared so I was able to get the required photographs, they are in the order as listed above.

On the way home from Mow Cop I passed a cemetery where the sun was catching some of the gravestones, I decided to photograph these as a another example of lighting by by the low sun.  The pictures are in a slightly different order to the ones above, starting with front lighting then side,followed by edge lighting the last image is of course backlit.

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