Friday 16 November 2012

Exercise 4: Light through the day.

"Take a detailed look at what happens to a view as the sun moves round throughout the day.  A sunny day will be needed for this exercise.  Photograph a scene from dawn till dusk, produce around 12 images, taking at least one per hour, more at the end of the day when the light is changing faster".

Because of our unpredictable weather especially during October, I knew a location close to home would have to be found for this exercise.  I decided on this clump of trees in the above photograph, the autumn colours attracted me also the lane they stand on runs north to south, this I thought would show best how the sun moves around a scene.  The weather forecast for 21st of October said it would be clear and sunny all day, perfect I thought.  I awoke to find it was very misty, this can be seen from this picture, it did clear by midday, so I was able to make a start.  It was the 2nd of November before there was another sunny day so I could finish the exercise, unfortunately in that time most of the leaves had fallen so the trees were no longer as colourful.

I would have liked to photograph the trees from the opposite direction, the way the picture at the beginning was taken.  Unfortunately this meant looking into the sun at certain times so I had no choice but choose the viewpoint in the above images.  The photograph taken at 13-25 is the best, I like the highlights and shadows on the road, something I had noticed when walking my dogs along this lane a few days earlier.  I like how the branches of the tree in the foreground catch the light and form a frame to the trees in the distance when they still have their autumnal colour, in the photographs taken between midday and sunset.

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