Friday 20 July 2012

Exercise: Control the strength of a colour.

My first choice for this exercise was a green painted door.  With the camera in manual mode I varied the exposure in half stops either side of the camera's metered exposure of 1/4sec.  Using f16 for the aperture, the shutter speeds ranged from 0.3 to 1/8th sec. Although the green door fitted in with what was suggested in the coursebook, I was sure that I could find a better subject to photograph.

When visiting relatives in the Herefordshire town of Bromyard we walk our dogs on the Downs, an area of common land.  It was here that I spotted this postbox and thought it would make a much better subject, not for its age and unusual location but because it is Red, my favourite colour!

I used an aperture of f16 for all the photographs and adjusted the shutter speed for each picture.  The exposures for the above were 0.5sec and 0.3sec, being 1stop and half a stop over exposed.  The colour in the first photograph is washed out, this is 1 stop over exposed.  Although the second picture is still half a stop over, the colour is good, not too far from the photograph below taken at the camera's average meter reading.

This is the average reading, 1/4 sec and shows how good the camera's meter is.  The red is rich and the collection sign well exposed being I think a true white.

The last two pictures are half and one stop under exposed at 1/6 and 1/8th sec.  Again the half stop photograph is not too far away from being acceptable but the last picture at 1stop under is much too dark.  I'm not sure if it's the colour I've chosen but I cannot see a colour change in any of the photographs, except maybe the last, which might have a slight blue cast.

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