Sunday 7 October 2012

My response to theTutor's report on assignment 3.

'This is a very considered response to the brief, by some measures one could call it exemplary and I particularly enjoyed the graphic qualities of your diagrammatic analysis of each image, some being more vivacious than the images they were taken from'.

This is how my tutor began his report on the third assignment, colour.  I read this and thought, great, then reading on I realized that not all of his comments were as positive.  

'You were a little too respectful of the brief, its more important to make interesting progressive images that approximate to what's requested than get it exactly right but make boring images in the process'.

At first I was a little down about his comments but realise now that he was correct.  The reason I'm doing the course, is because my photographs are often boring and lack imagination.  Clive is right when he says that I have answered the assignment to the letter and produced an acceptable result.  I guess this is how I've gone through life, always reading the instructions before assembling that flat packed chest of drawers from Ikea for example.  It's reminiscent of the comments used by some competition judges at my camera club, the worst of all being 'a good record shot'.  This course has without doubt helped me change as a photographer however its easy to slip back into the old ways.

I have always tried to produce a new set of images for each assignment, thinking that the ones used for the exercises were work in progress.  I agree with Clive when he says that some of the earlier photographs were of a higher standard than the majority of those in this assignment.  It took me a long time to complete this section of the course and now realise it was because the images were not good enough.

Having taken Clive's comments on board and looking again at my images, I had more creative photographs than the ones used, I did consider resubmitting the assignment, but because of time constraints this was never done.  However I have selected from my 'Colour Library' pictures that I beleive to be stronger than the originals.  The following page is included as a sample of these Images.

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