"For this exercise choose either the still-life approach or a larger scale shot, which involves choosing viewpoint and lens focal length. If the latter, photograph someone with a possession, or the result of their work or hobby".
I've abbreviated the guidance notes for this exercise because I already had images on file which had been taken with juxtaposition in mind. This style of picture taking, if it is a style, is something I have been doing for some time without realising that it had a name. Looking back through the course book I have been making images with elements of juxtaposition in them from the first assignment, "Contrasts".
The photograph I have chosen for this exercise is my favourite, it is I hope subtle enough so as not to be obvious. This scene is well documented by the tourists, hundreds of times a day probably. I have myself photographed it on numerous occasions, always trying to get something a bit different. Very often this 'beggar' has been sat in this same spot. Even when given some loose change he doesn't want his picture taken so I decided to take it from behind. I noticed how people moved to one side, trying to avoid both eye contact with him and then not have to give him money.
This is a really good picture Dad, well done. Although he's almost in the middle of the bridge he looks totally disconnected with the rest of the people/picture.