Wednesday 6 February 2013

Assignment 4 Tutors report

The assignment on light turned out to be more successful than I had hoped.  I sent the images more or less as they had come out of the camera to Clive, my tutor.  They were sharpened and cropped but the light balance was as set in camera, flash for the images where flash was used and tungsten for the remainder.  In his report Clive said I should have corrected the colour cast caused by the Tungsten lamps in post processing.  Had I been using film instead of digital then a tungsten balanced film would have been used, so the subject would have looked the same had been photographed in daylight with daylight balanced film, it was important to make the subject look as good as possible.  Fortunately I had taken an image which included a grey card so I have been able to correct the tungsten lit photographs.  In his report Clive says;

'A very well executed assignment of a standard that's significantly higher than the average response to this assignment'.


'You've obviously worked hard at the assignment and learned a lot in the process, producing a strong result'.

I'm very pleased to receive comments like this and look forward to more of the same in the next assignment.